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TGI Fridays will remain on UK high streets following a rescue deal for the chain, but more than 1,000 staff have lost their jobs with the immediate closure of 35 restaurants.
Breal Capital and Calveton UK have acquired 51 restaurants after the group’s previous operator fell into administration.
It means that nearly 2,400 jobs have been saved across the US-themed restaurant and cocktail bar.
But joint administrators at Teneo said 35 restaurants were not included in the sale and have been closed immediately, resulting in 1,012 redundancies.
We are devastated for News Today our colleagues who will be leaving TGIs and thank them for their loyalty and contribution during their time with usJulie McEwan, TGI Fridays' chief executive
Julie McEwan, chief executive of TGI Fridays UK, said: "The news today marks the start of a positive future for our business following a very challenging period for the casual dining sector as a whole.
"We are devastated for our colleagues who will be leaving TGIs and thank them for their loyalty and contribution during their time with us.
"We are doing everything possible to retain our team and support those impacted."
Daniel Smith, senior managing director of Teneo, said the acquisition "preserves a significant proportion of jobs and will hopefully provide the business with the stability and support it needs to recover and grow".
New private equity owners Breal and Calveton jointly own upmarket restaurant chain D&D London, and between them have had investments in Byron Burger and wine bar chain Vinoteca.
Trade union Unite said on X, formerly Twitter, that it had been hearing from members who had been "furiously contacting" the hospitality organisers in response to the immediate closures.
London focused UK broadband News Today ISP G.Network, which has spent the past few years deploying a gigabit speed Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) network across parts of the city centre, has News Today announced a "strategic update" that will see some redundancies as the operator shifts their strategy and moves to "drive further commercialisation" (growing take-up).
In case anybody has forgotten, G.Network only resumed their fibre roll-out in the city during February 2024, which occurred after a long build pause and some job cuts (here); that had been fuelled by rising build costs (a common problem for UK network operators) and a shortage of funding.
Not to mention the competition from rivals.
The situation improved again in June 2024 after the operator managed to secure an additional investment of £85m from long term equity investor USS to support their "next phase of growth" (here), which was on top of last year’s commitment by the same investor for "up to an additional" £150m (here).
G.Network states that "clear progress has been made over the last two years" towards its ambition for creating a better-connected London, with "significant results achieved regarding business performance, customer growth, service, cost effectiveness and productivity." The operator includes some examples of this below.
G.Network’s Own Highlights:
➤ Achieved significant customer growth over the past two years and delivered market leading customer ARPU averaging c.£50 per month
➤ Business (B2B) penetration has grown to 10% and ARPU is averaging c.£130 per month
➤ A growing in-direct channel with over 170 partners including FluidOne, Cerberus and News Today Spitfire
➤ Consumer penetration of pre-fibred MDUs [large residential buildings / flats] is running at 30%-50% in certain segments after sixteen months
➤ Network investments have delivered industry standard costs and service levels
➤ Operational efficiency has increased by cutting the cost-to-serve by 67%, News Today reducing mean time to provide to eight days and our productivity has increased seven-fold
➤ Improvements in customer service underpin our position as the most trusted alt.
Aplikasi Kasir menjadi kebutuhan utama dalam mengelola transaksi dalam setiap usaha. Dimana aplikasi kasir bertugas untuk mencatat dan menyimpan data transaksi baik secara offline maupun online. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, kini kebutuhan usaha bukan hanya terletak terhadap pencatatan transaksi semata, melainkan meliputi seluruh kegiatan operasional usaha. Mulai dari manajemen stok, manajemen karyawan, manajemen pelanggan, manajemen aset, akuntansi, manajemen dapur, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tentu dengan aplikasi point of sales atau aplikasi kasir biasa Anda tidak akan bisa mengelola semuanya dengan mudah, akan butuhkan banyak sekali software dan biaya pengeluaran yang Anda habiskan. Tentunya hal ini akan sangat berdampak pada alur operasional usaha yang akan menjadi rumit serta biaya operasional yang akan terus membengkak seiring dengan berkembangnya usaha Anda.
Namun, sekarang Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi kasir terbaik yang sudah dapat digunakan untuk semua cabang usaha Anda tanpa batas serta dilengkapi fitur-fitur penting untuk menunjang semua lini atau divisi operasional usaha Anda.
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Baca Juga: Alasan Anda Wajib Pakai Aplikasi kasir!
Sekilas Tentang Aplikasi Kasir
Aplikasi kasir lahir berkat adanya kecarut marutan pengelolaan usaha yang Anda di Indonesia. Banyak sekali UKM dan UMKM bahkan korporasi yang tidak dapat memaksimalkan usahanya karena keterbatasan fitur aplikasi kasir yang sudah ada pada saat itu. Dengan harga yang sudah mahal, namun aplikasi kasir hanya mampu diandalkan sebagai alat untuk mencatat transaksi penjualan semata.
Bukan hanya itu, penggunaan aplikasi kasir saat itu tidak sesuai dengan jenis usaha penggunanya. Misalnya, dalam usaha jasa meliputi service, bengkel, salon dan sebagainya dipaksa untuk menggunakan aplikasi kasir retail yang notabene hanya memiliki fungsi untuk menjual produk fisik bukan jasa. Terlebih ada juga beberapa usaha yang menggunakan aplikasi restoran padahal jenis usaha mereka bukanlah restoran atau F&B.
Tentu carut marut ini tidak kami biarkan begitu saja. Tim akhirnya merancang sebuah aplikasi kasir yang memiliki berbagai fitur khusus untuk masing-masing jenis usaha, mulai dari retail seperti toko, minimarket, grosir, distributor. Usaha jasa serprti service, bengkel, salon, barbershop, laundry. Usaha F&B seperti restoran, kafe, fast food dan usah pabrik yang meproduksi suatu barang.
Dengan aplikasi kasir kini para pemilik usaha dapat memaksimal pencatatan dan laporan dalam seluruh kegiatan operasional usahanya. Terlebih aplikasi kasir sudah dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur-fitur penting dan komplit yang mendukung usaha multi cabang.
Aplikasi Kasir Paling Irit! adalah aplikasi kasir yang dapat menghemat budget pengeluaran operasional software kasir Anda. Terutama bagi Anda yang sudah memiliki banyak cabang. Tentu masih ada aplikasi kasir di luar sana yang menerapkan sistem lisensi, sehingga jika dalam satu cabang Anda terdapat 3 komputer kasir maka Anda haru mengeluarkan biaya 3 lisensi sekaligus, belum lagi di cabang lain.
Selain itu, ada juga aplikasi kasir yang menerapkan jumlah cabang dan pengguna, tentu ini akan memberatkan usaha Anda yang memiliki banyak dan karyawan. Sehingga, setiap kali Anda membuka cabang baru dan merekrut tim baru maka Anda perlu mengeluarkan biaya lagi.
Sangat berbeda jauh dengan aplikasi kasir dimana satu aplikasi sudah dapat digunakan untuk semua cabang usaha dan karyawan yang Anda miliki tanpa batas! Anda hanya perlu berlangganan paket entreprise dengan biaya tahun pertama 8,9 juta dan tahun berikutnya hanya 6 jutaan saja. Sebagai simulasi, jika Anda mempunyai 10 cabang maka Anda hanya perlu mengeluarkan biaya Rp. 50.000 saja per cabang usaha (6 juta : 12 Bulan : 10 cabang usaha).
Alhasil jika Anda memiliki lebih dari 10 cabang tentu akan sangat mengirit pengeluaran software kasir Anda.
Aplikasi Kasir UKM dan UMKM
Sebagai penyedia software penjualan. Tentu kami ingin usaha klien kami atau pengguna aplikasi kasir dapat terus berkembang. Hal yang sering kami hadapi di lapangan adalah para pengguna aplikasi kasir berasal dari UKM dan UMKM yang sama sekali belum tersentuh digital marketing. Penjualan mereka bergantung pada orang yang mampir ke toko. Tidak memiliki senjata digital untuk meningkatkan retensi pelanggan.
Dengan itu, kami berkomitmen untuk mendigitalisasi setiap pengguna aplikasi kasir yang berlangganan paket entreprise dengan bonus sebagai berikut:
Website Full SEO + Plugin SEO
Artikel Lokal SEO 1 Kota
Installasi Google Search Console, Google Analystic, dan Google Tag Manager
Optimasi SEO
Optimasi Google Maps (jika diijinkan)
Dengan bonus di atas, beberapa klien kami sudah merasakan peningkatan penjualan usaha mereka dalam satu bulan setelah bonus selesai dikerjakan. Bonus ini jika Anda beli di penyedia layanan jasa pembuatan website bisa bernilai 20 juta lebih. Mengapa kami memberikannya secara gratis? Jawabannya hanya satu: Visi Kami.
Yup! Visi adalah mendigitalasi UKM dan UMKM di Indonesia.
Tentu dengan kemajuan UKM dan UMKM yang semakin pesat akan memberikan dampak terhadap ekonomi Indonesia secara global. Dan kami hanya ingin memberikan yang terbaik dari apa yang kami bisa lakukan untuk membantu para klien
Aplikasi Kasir Dengan Fitur Akuntansi Yang Mudah!
Apakah Anda masih memiliki aplikasi kasir dan akuntasi yang terpisah dan perlu membayar dua layanan software setiap tahunnya?
Kini Anda bisa menggunakan fitur akuntansi yang ada di dalam aplikasi kasir tanpa biaya tambahan apapun!
Selain itu, fitur akuntansi yang disematka di dalam aplikasi kasir sangat mudah digunakan bahkan orang awam sekalipun! Namun, mudah bukan berarti tidak lengkap! Karena di dalamnya Anda bisa menambahkan bagan akun (chart of account) tanpa batas atau generate secara otomatis jika Anda belum ahli dalam akuntansi, dapat menginput jurnal lebih mudah, memetakan transaksi ke akun dengan lebih cepat, budgeting dan medapatkan laporan neraca saldo, neraca keuangan, hutang piutang, buku besar dan masih banyak lagi.
Fitur akuntansi dalam aplikasi kasir sudah terintegrasi secara otomatis dengan berbagai fitur lainnya yang berkaitan dengan transaksi dan biaya. Jadi, Anda tidak perlu menginput manual dua kali setiap kali transaksi terjadi.
Lihat Fitur: Akuntansi
Manajemen Aset Dalam Aplikasi Kasir
Kami mengakui, para pengusaha di Indonesai masih belum terudaksi betapa pentingnya mengelola aset dan akuntansi dalam usaha mereka. Sehingga, tidak jarang terjadi cekcok besar akibat selisih antara data di sistem dengan real di lapangan.
Wajar, karena sebelum adanya aplikasi kasir para pengusaha dipaksa untuk menghiraukan itu semua. Keterpaksaan inilah yang menjadi budaya jelek pengusaha saat ini.
Namun, kini Anda tidak perlu lagi khawatir karena aplikasi kasir sudah dilengkapi dengan fitur manajemen aset yang terdapat fitur penyusutan atau depresiasi, fitur maintenance, dan fitur lainnya.
Anda dapat dengan mudah mengalokasikan aset dan mencabut aset kapanpun tanpa batas! Dengan fitur dalam manajemen aset aplikasi kasir kini Anda dapat melihat niai aset Anda secara real dengan benar.
Mudah Dalam Mengelola Karyawan Dengan Aplikasi Kasir
Tidak usah bingung dalam mengelola karyawan Anda! Tidak perlu beli software HRD!
Dengan aplikasi kasir Anda bisa mengelola karyawan Anda, mulai dari absensi, cuti, liburan, penggajian, departemen dan jabatan dan masih banyak lagi!
Dimana fitur HRM (Human Resource Management) dalam aplikasi kasir yang paling sering digunakan adalah fitur cuti. HRD dapat menginpit cuti karyawan atau menyetujui pengajuan cuti yang diajukan karyawan dalam usaha Anda.
Sangat praktis bukan hanya dengan berlangganan aplikasi kasir Anda bisa mengelola karyawan sekaligus!
Tingkatkan Penjulan Dengan Manajemen Pelanggan
Kalau ditanya seberapa penting pelanggan bagi usaha Anda? Hampir semua pengusaha akan menjawab "sangat penting!" akan tetapi jika pertanyaan kedua diajukan; seberapa baik Anda mengelola pelanggan? Semua pengusaha cenderung diam dan bingung.
Itulah fakta menyakitkan yang mau tidak mau harus Anda terima. Dimana kebanyakan pengusaha di Indonesia tidak pernah mengelola pelanggan, jadi sangat wajar Anda kehilangan banyak pelanggan karena tidak memiliki Customer Relation Management (CRM).
Di dalam aplikasi kasir tim marketing Anda bisa mengelola leads, prospek, pelanggan lebih praktis! Kini lebih mudah dalam menjadwalkan follup seperti meeting, kunjungan, telepon apapun itu! Selain itu, Anda dapat mengirimkan email, proposal dan mengelola hari ulang tahun pelanggan dalam dashboard yang tersedia.
Kelola Project Dengan Aplikasi Kasir
Kini Anda dapat dengan mudah mengelola project tim dengan fitur project yang ada di dalam aplikasi kasir!
Fitur ini sangat dibutuhkan bagi tim back office dalam memantau dan mengelola setiap rencana kegiatan atau project yang akan dijalankan. Terlebih Anda bisa menugaskan tugas-tugas tertentu kepada karyawan.
Bagi usaha kontraktor ini sangatlah berperan penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan pekerjaan untuk klien Anda. Dimana, pimpinan proyek beserta tim dapat mengontrol status dan log waktu pekerjaan masing-masing.
Anda juga bisa menugaskan proyek tertentu yang terkait dengan pelanggan atau klien Anda, sehingga setiap pergerakan progress dapat dipantau secara realtime.
Work Order Untuk Usaha Jasa
Dalam usaha jasa seperti service, bengkel, salon, barbershop, klinik dan usaha jasa lainnya memerlukan aplikasi kasir yang dapat digunakan untuk menjual produk jasa.
Anda bisa melakukannya dengan aplikasi kasir!
Terdapat work order untuk lembar pekerjaan staff layanan Anda seperti teknisi, mekanik, nail arts, penata busana, koki dan lain-lain.
Selain itu, terdapat juga layar point of sales khusus untuk usaha jasa yang memiliki berbagai inputan penting seperti model kendaraan, model perangkat, jenis rambut, ceklis pemeriksaan, dan lain-lain.
Kini Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi kasir yang sesuai untuk jenis usaha Anda!
Fitur Essentials Dalam Aplikasi Kasir
Fitur essentials adalah sebutan untuk sebuaj fitur penting yang menunjang back office atau bagian kantor usaha Anda.
Dengan fitur ini, karyawan dapat mengakses dan membuat TODO atau list kegiatan harian, mingguan bahkan bulanan yang semula hanya bisa Anda lakukan di excel atau spreadshet.
Selain itu, karyawan Anda dapat membagikan dokumen penting, membuat memo, pengingat, mengirim dan menerima pesan di chat room, serta mengakses knowledge base yang berisikan SOP atau intruksi yang perlu dipahami setiap lapisan divisi karyawan Anda.
Layar Dapur Penting Untuk Usaha Restoran
Layar Dapur dalam aplikasi kasir restoran sangatlah penting agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan restoran Anda.
Awalnya, restoran Anda mungkin menggunakan kertas atau kasir berteriak kepada koki yang ada di dapur. Dampaknya, usaha restoran Anda carut marut dalam memproses menu yang dipesan pelanggan.
Bisa jadi koki lupa, kertas basah atau hilang dan masih banyak lagi!
Namun dengan aplikasi kasir Anda bisa staff dapur dapat mengelola pesanan melalui layar dapur secara realtime!
Informasi meja pelanggan, menu, topping dan masih banyak lagi akan tampil di detail pesanan pelanggan yang diinput kasir. Lalu, staff dapur restoran bisa menandai matang dan menu siap diantarkan oleh waiters yang ditunjuk.
Bukan hanya fitur dapur, aplikasi kasir restoran juga dilengkapi manajemen topping, reservasi, manajemen bahan baku, jenis layanan seperti Shopeefood, Gofood, dan masih banyak lagi.
Manajemen Pengiriman Bagi Bisnis Online
Aplikasi kasir dilengkapi dengan manajemen pengiriman baik untuk bisnis offline biasa maupun bisnis online.
Anda juga bisa memberikan kolom isian khusus seperti nomor resi, ekspedisi, nama kurir dan masih banyak lagi. Bisa dikustomisasi sesuai keinginan Anda!
Anda bisa menginput biaya packing, biaya layanan, serta mengintegrasikan dengan website Anda!
Dengan aplikasi kasie setiap produk dan pesanan di website bisa tersinkronisasi secara otomatis!
Integrasi Berbagai Perangkat Kasir
Aplikasi kasir sudah dapat terintegrasi dengan berbagai jenis dan merk perangkat kasir. Mulai dari printer thermal, generic, dot matrix. Timbangan digital, printer label, barcode scanner, laci uang atau cash drawer dan masih banyak lagi.
Software Kasir Yang Bisa Dikustomisasi
Anda juga dapat mengkustomisasi aplikasi kasir secara mandiri atau dengan bantuan tim kami. Dimana, setiap fitur dapat dikustomisasi sesuai dengan ekspetasi dan kebutuhan Anda.
Kapan lagi Anda memiliki aplikasi kasir super hemat dengan fitur komplit dan bisa di customisasi?
Alamat Perusahaan Software Kasir Terbaik Di Indonesia
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The way it Fits in the MCU: No matter how Kang’s rule of the universe ends, we count on the MCU will look fairly different afterward. Listed here are the highest 10 free streaming services and apps you may look into if you would like to replace paid streaming services. But as Wonder Man’s civilian identification is an actor, there may even be another likelihood for instance what movies appear like in the MCU. He can also direct a few episodes offered it doesn't conflict together with his Avengers commitments. The bathyscaph is definitely geared up with two spheres: (1) the unique or Terni sphere which was a part of the craft as initially delivered, and (2) the Krupp sphere which was bought a few months after the craft had been re- ceived within the United States. The title also affords a couple of clues as Marvel Comics has printed two epic tales with that title.
The social media accounts of Panathinaikos and News Today the Greece national team blackened their profile pictures on Wednesday evening.
Manchester United defender Harry Maguire, who started his career at Sheffield United, posted a picture of Baldock with a broken heart emoji and the letters RIP.
Baldock's former Sheffield United team-mate Dean Henderson posted a picture of the pair on Instagram with the caption: "Devastated to hear the news today.
A friend, great teammate, great player and also a great family man. Sending all my love to all the family. RIP brother."
Paul Heckingbottom, who managed Baldock for 18 months at Sheffield United, wrote on X: "Numbing to hear of George Baldock’s passing, a man with so much still ahead of him in life as a husband, father, brother and son.
"George was a super person and a fantastic professional who was admired and adored by all who worked with him. My prayers are with his loved ones right now.
Love is in the air for your weekly horoscope for July 7-13, 2024! You’re ready to shake things up in your love life when Venus in Cancer links up with Uranus in Taurus on July 8. New, unexpected relationships may form, or perhaps you hear from someone surprising. This is also a great day to experiment in bed with lovers. On the same day, Mercury in Leo teams up with Jupiter in Gemini, lending support to your ideas. It’s an opportune moment for sharing your thoughts or brainstorming with others.
You could learn some hopeful News Today or maybe feel like your own skills are improving.
Later on July 8, Mercury in Leo syncs up with the North Node in Aries, bringing some important news or information relevant to your goals. The following day, on July 9, Jupiter in Gemini meets with the north node in Aries, and perhaps you learn something that feels paramount. On July 10, the Sun in Cancer mingles with Saturn in Pisces, putting your responsible and mature side under the spotlight.
Maybe you’re receiving some recognition for a long-term commitment or gaining wisdom from a mentor.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities Where is the largest wholesale toy market in China the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
We’re back with another Ask Jakks Q&A with Craig Drobis, and you can check out this months Q&A below. Craig Drobis is the SVP of Marketing for boys action figures and collectors for Jakks Pacific. ToyHypeUSA will be sending him monthly questions and we will have your answers back on or around the beginning of each month. Send us your questions to [email protected]. Send in your questions by November 25th, 2021 (send these in right away before we max out of submissions).
Update: November 21st – Submissions for the next round are now closed as we have maxed out early. You can still submit questions, and those will be considered for the next round.
Jakks Pacific products can be ordered on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, and Amazon.
San Diego Comic-Con 2021 – November Panel news:
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported the toys and collectibles industry over the last couple years. In some ways, being separated has allowed the fandom for many properties to flourish and people have found new ways to interact and share their passion for their favorite properties, stories, and lifestyles. We at Jakks are partial to those we work on every day, but we are fans of all pop culture. We love bringing our slice of fandom to the world and helping people to think about the positives, the potentials, and the magic that being a part of a community of fans allows. As the curtains open up, Jakks and Disguise will be participating in the Comic Con Special Edition in San Deigo on Thanksgiving weekend with a panel on Friday November 26th at 2:00 in Room 7AB. We hope people can join us and share their stories, give input, and hear about what new is on the horizon for 2022 and beyond. And if you can’t make it this time, I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
1. My question is regarding the accessories for the 4″ figures in the Sonic toyline. As so far almost all of the accessories have been made with the intention to go on the 2.5″ playsets, with the only accessories that are meant to be held by the 4″ figures being the Snowboard from the Wave 2 Sonic and the Piko Piko Hammer with the upcoming Amy figure.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a chance we could maybe get more hand-held accessories that are made to go with the 4″ figure in the future perhaps?
Like maybe a Miles Electric for Tails, to-scale Chaos Emeralds that can fit in the 4″ figures hands, Kunai or Shurikens for Espio (if you get to making him, which I REALLY hope you do), swords like Caliburn, etc.?
You are correct that many of the accessories to date have been scaled to work with the 2.5" world while also being relevant to the 4" character they come with. We do look for opportunities where the accessories are specifically scaled to the 4" figure. You noted a couple which have already been released and you have some great suggestions as well. More to come on that, but I think it is safe to say there will always be a blend as we want the accessory to be an added value for the purchase and to also have a connection to the figure with which is it paired.
2. Hi, this might be the wrong type of question to ask, but I just wanted to ask about the distribution of the Sonic Jakks Toys to countries outside of America. As I live in the United Kingdom, where the distribution of waves has ranged from arriving within a few weeks, to arriving 6+ months after America (Waves 1 and 4 for example).
And now that there’s starting to be more US store exclusives to shops like Target or Walmart. Is there perhaps any way there could be better distribution of waves, so other countries don’t have to wait months after America. And with that, could figures that are seen as Target or Walmart exclusives be exclusive to other shops in different countries (like Smyths or The Entertainer for example)?
There are a variety of factors that play into how the waves flow out, where and when. From a practical production standpoint, we do our global production runs at the same time. The runs can be 2-3 months long and of course there are different transit times to varying countries. No account or country necessarily gets the first or the last part of the production run; it just depends on when the orders are received. Due to those points, when we are talking about waves, there is some natural variance by market to when they arrive to retail shelves. And on top of that, throw in the overall global supply chain challenges and we are really just trying to get as much product out there as we can and there have been hiccups all along the way this past year. The consumer interest and demand has been phenomenal and we are really proud of the line and how well it has been received. The short answer is that we want the wave distribution to be more on the weeks rather than months that you noted and that is the goal. Regarding your question about exclusives, we often make them available to other markets. Some international customers were more conservative in their orders for Sonic in 2020 and early 2021 and the results are encouraging them to buy deeper into the range.
3. Will we see any of the Sonic characters wearing clothes from the official artworks on Sonic Channel website, and maybe the alternate outfits from Sonic Adventure 2?
Thank you as always for the suggestions. We have not gone into the Sonic Channel executions to date and that is something for us to consider. As far as Sonic Adventure 2 outfits, Sonic’s red suit is my favorite. Which others would you recommend?
4. Will there be a 3 pack of Mario,Peach, and Bowser in wedding outfit from Odysseus?
That is a good idea. We did do an Odyssey Wedding Outfit Mario with Cappy two pack in 2019 which was a fun one. We do not have any immediate plans for this combination, but I like the idea.
5. Will there be a figure of Pauline from Super Mario Odyssey?
There are a lot of opportunities in the Odyssey universe to explore and frankly we only scratched the surface. Some of this is intentional, as we try to balance the overall offering of evergreen and game specific characters. Everyone has their favorites and I wish we could do them all.
6. Will there be a Tornado plane that could transform like in Sonic Adventures?
We have been looking at a lot of options for things we can do in our playset slots. This is a really good idea. The transformation might be a little difficult to execute in toy and have it look correct. It is the wing split and movement to the X which has some engineering hurdles to clear, but I like the challenge. We hope everyone likes the Giant Eggman Battle Robot Playset. As you can see, our designers try to get as many of the details into the product to make both a great toy that’s fun to play with while also being true to characters’ representation in the game. To tackle something like the Tornado transformation, we would want it to be on model and playable.
Это может занять от нескольких минут до нескольких дней в зависимости от требований платформы. Верификация обычно включает предоставление документов, удостоверяющих личность, таких как паспорт или водительское удостоверение, а также подтверждение адреса проживания. После верификации вам нужно пополнить счет криптовалютой. Это делается путем перевода средств с вашего криптовалютного кошелька на счет платформы. Убедитесь, что вы используете правильный адрес для перевода, чтобы избежать потери средств. Некоторые платформы могут также предлагать возможность пополнения счета через банковский перевод или кредитную карту. Затем выберите фиатную валюту, на которую хотите обменять криптовалюту, и укажите сумму. Платформа автоматически рассчитает, сколько фиатных денег вы получите с учетом текущего курса и комиссий. Обратите внимание на курс обмена, так как он может варьироваться в зависимости от платформы и текущей рыночной ситуации. После подтверждения всех деталей и согласия с условиями обмена, платформа проведет транзакцию. В зависимости от платформы и выбранного метода вывода, деньги могут поступить на ваш банковский счет в течение нескольких минут или дней. This con tent has been gen erat ed by GSA C ontent G en erator DEMO!
Стали счастливым обладателем биткоина и желаете его выгодно обналичить? Сделать это не всегда просто: ввиду того, что криптовалюты хоть и находятся на стадии активного распространения, все еще принимаются к оплате далеко не везде. Тем не менее, технологии не стоят на месте и в 2021 году появилось еще больше способов дорого продать свой биткоин. О них рассказывает гайд от ProstoCoin. Можно ли продать биткоин? Можно ли продать биткоин? Цифровая валюта Биткоин позиционируется как альтернативная сверхзащищенная денежная единица, которая неподвластна государственному регулированию. Криптовалюта обладает платежеспособностью, то есть, может выполнять такие же функции, как и фиатные деньги. Но на текущий момент, ввиду того, что еще далеко не во всех отраслях цифровые деньги принимаются к оплате, владельцам приходится сначала продавать биткоины и альткоины. Совершить продажу достаточно просто. Нужно воспользоваться услугами одного из сервисов, предоставляющих такую возможность. Фактически, для счастливых обладателей этих дорогих монет все сводится не к поиску точки сбыта, а к необходимости найти способ, как правильно продать биткоин по максимальной стоимости и с минимальными издержками за операции.
This was g enerated with the help of GSA Content Generator Dem oversi on .
Отчёт BIS охватывает 95 стран по всему миру; проанализированы данные с 2015-го по 2022 год. Говорится, что подавляющее количество загрузок приложения для работы с криптовалютой произошло, когда цена биткоина превышала $20 тыс. Если предположить, что в первый месяц после установки программы каждый новый пользователь приобрёл биткоинов на сумму в $100, то 81 % из этих инвесторов оказались в минусе. Отмечается, что биткоин достиг максимума почти в $69 тыс. 2021 года, в разгар спекулятивного безумия на фоне пандемии. С тех пор стоимость крупнейшей в мире криптовалюты рухнула приблизительно на 75 % из-за резкого ужесточения денежно-кредитной политики и серии крупных крахов в криптовалютных компаниях. Кроме того, Anonymer Austausch von XRP zu TRX ohne AML und KYC негативное влияние на рынок оказали два других события: подавление властями Китая криптомайнинга в середине 2021 года и социальные волнения в Казахстане в начале 2022 года. Согласно исследованию, около 40 % всех держателей биткоина составляют мужчины в возрасте до 35 лет. Результаты исследования говорят о том, что вложения в криптовалюту в текущих реалиях могут быть весьма спорными. BIS считает, что криптоэкосистема является одной из самых рискованных инвестиций.
На что нужно обращать внимание? В первую очередь нужно смотреть, насколько выгодный курс обмена предлагается. Этот показатель постоянно меняется, поэтому важно сравнивать его на других сайтах. Если не пользоваться мониторингами, то хотя бы проверяйте биржевой курс, Anonymer Austausch von XRP zu TRX ohne AML und KYC чтобы он не сильно отличался. Обычно обменные пункты представляют на сайте объем резервов. По ним удается понять, если ли в системе достаточно нужно валюты для выполнения твоей заявки. Опять же, эти данные можно получить через агрегаторы обменников. Показатель плавающий, нужно проверять актуальную информацию. Чем больше валют поддерживается на сайте, тем лучше. Это не только показывает солидность обменного пункта, но и пригождается в будущем. Возможно, Unser Tauscher bewahrt Ihre Anonymität вам потребуется сделать перевод другой валюты в будущем, не придется искать обменник и заодно будет копиться скидка по программе лояльности. На это тоже важно обращать внимание, только учтите, отзывы легко накручиваются, поэтому их нужно проверять на качественных сайтах. В мониторингах авторов отзывов просят прикладывать доказательства, что они действительно пользовались сервисом.
In the vibrant globe of software application growth, Agile DevOps has actually become a sign of performance and partnership. This approach marries the adaptability of Agile techniques with the functional emphasis of DevOps, producing a combined structure for providing top notch software application. Its success depends on its ability to attend to the double needs of rate and dependability in the digital age.
At its heart, Agile DevOps is concerning promoting a society of cooperation. Agile motivates frequent communication and responses within groups, while DevOps prolongs this principle throughout advancement and operations. This all natural technique breaks down silos, guaranteeing that every staff member is aligned toward a common objective. The result is a more cohesive workflow that reduces hold-ups and minimizes misconceptions.
One of the specifying functions of Agile DevOps is its dependence on constant improvement. Active methods advocate for repetitive growth, where each cycle builds on the previous one. DevOps enhances this with constant combination and release practices, making sure that new functions are evaluated and supplied seamlessly. This positioning increases the advancement procedure without compromising top quality.
Agile DevOps likewise positions a premium on automation. From automated screening to implementation pipes, these tools boost effectiveness and minimize the danger of human mistake. Automation is specifically beneficial in a hectic atmosphere, where fast iterations are required to meet changing consumer assumptions. It enables teams to concentrate on advancement and critical preparation rather than repeated jobs.
The combination of Agile and DevOps has extensive ramifications for organizations. By streamlining advancement and operations, organizations can react faster to market needs and boost their competitive placing. Agile DevOps, consequently, is not simply a set of methods however a transformative technique that redefines just how businesses provide value in a digital-first world.
In the dynamic world of software program development, Agile DevOps has actually emerged as a beacon of performance and cooperation. Agile motivates constant communication and comments within teams, while DevOps expands this concept across advancement and operations. Agile DevOps, for that reason, is not just a set of techniques however a transformative technique that redefines exactly how companies supply worth in a digital-first world.
There has been an outpouring of support for BBC Five Live racing commentator News Today John Hunt after it was revealed his wife and two daughters were victims of a deadly crossbow attack at their home.
John's wife Carol, 61, and daughters Louise, 25, and Hannah, 28, were found fatally injured at their £800,000 detached home in Bushey, Hertfordshire, last night.
Kyle Clifford, 26, from Enfield, is being hunted by police and is believed to be armed and dangerous.
BBC stalwart John Hunt has worked at the corporation for 30 years as a racing commentator and previous to this worked as a police officer.
The BBC stalwart has often spoke lovingly about his family and credited his wife Carol with his broadcasting career after she spotted an advert in the Harrow Observer for a job as a trainee broadcaster.
John with his wife Carol, who was found with fatal injuries at their £800,000 detached house in Bushey, News Today Hertfordshire last night
Hannah Hunt, sister of Louise and daughter of John, also died after being shot with a crossbow
Victim Louise Hunt is the ex-girlfriend of crossbow suspect Kyle Clifford
A huge manhunt is underway to find suspect Kyle Clifford, 26, who is the ex-boyfriend of John's daughter Louise
Hunt, a regular racetrack caller and frequent presenter on At the Races, is now most widely heard as the commentary voice for the sport on BBC 5Live.
His work on the national sport's network has widened to occasional football commentary and also coverage of the equestrian events at the 2012 London Olympics.
Before establishing himself as a race track legend, John had initially been reluctant to leave the police force as he would have to take a paycut.